

Your charity gives hope

Cataracts are a common health problem which can lead to blindness. The surgery involves replacing the cloudy lens inside the eye and is a common surgery with high success rates. The unfortunate reality is that, although cataract surgeries should be straight-forward operations, in developing countries there are many who are unable to afford it. In many locations, inflation, high poverty and high costs of medical treatment add to the need for this project to be provided for free.

Cataract removals are simple, yet life changing procedures which restore sight and can remove blindness almost instantly. And yet, many people around the world are living with blindness simply because they cannot afford the medical expense of treatment.

Your donation will allow an eye clinic to run for one day, serving dozens of needy people.

You can choose from a range of locations including Afghanistan, Mali, and Sri Lanka.

Each eye camp costs £3,100, and you can make any contribution you are able to. Please donate generously.